balkan magazine for daring women attitudes
Milica is a typical Balkan name that refers to a dear and fragile woman. Overcoming the binary classifications, the choice of this name reflects the need to exceed the banality of interpretation. Tenderness and courage are not opposites.
Milica is a women’s magazine. However, what makes us feel cramped is the concept which subordinates female to consumerist principles, imposes ideals of beauty and introduces instructions for Cinderella. We make a breakthrough toward all fronts.
We are committed to feminism without prejudice, the one that must and can belong to all women. And not just women.
We promote diverse women principles, regardless of education or religion, ethnicity and class affiliation. We celebrate equality in every possible sense.
We encourage women’s actions through work, thought and creation: from handwork to art, from career to family, from public to private. We believe that these spheres of life should not be ranked in order of importance.
We tend to re-think the historical, political and ideological context, thus break the existing taboos. One can and should talk about anything; and speak aloud.
We are devoted to pervasive, exciting and reasoned opinions, which originate from the precise allocation of the relevant issues, them being both global and local.
We do not intend to kneel before the traditional models and social norms. Our choice is to strive towards recontextualization and re-evaluation on all fronts.
We actively participate in shaping a space of boldness, equality and freedom!
We initiate connections, constructive discussions and fellowship. With this idea in mind, we invite you to join the circle that develops on the foundations established above.