Do marital status and upbringing of children really have a crucial affect on women’s political an social attitude?

A book by Rebeca Traister (All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation), published earlier this year, quite radically offered «an entirely new category of citizen». The Single American Woman is this powerful political figure which brought us to the rethinking of what a woman is, what is her role in society and, eventually, to the re-evaluation of traditional agenda.

Going back to the title of this very book, which refers to a well-known song by Beyonce, we must also ask ourselves are the lyrics of the popular pop and r’n’b music songs really influencing young girls towards their empowerment and, if so, is it a proper way to teach them about gender (in)equality. It certainly might be the most influential way to warn teenagers about the unfair world and to teach them courage and confidence; however, there is a thin line between learning self-respect and thinking that the only way to gain it is defying manly principles.

Another thing worth mentioning could be that the contemporary advertising industry has based itself upon the image of a young, strong, free-spirited women that does not need a man, and even though this may seem as the liberation of the opinionated girls, it is at the same time a pure capitalist abasement of the idea of emancipation.

Do marital status and upbringing of children really have a crucial affect on women’s political an social attitude, as well as their everyday behaviour? If so, why are there so many married and professionally achieved women who claim to be feminists? Could it be that the neoliberal loneliness and the rise of a competitive individual is being celebrated as means of women liberation? Or are the single women truly more emancipated?

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